Apple Crisp or Apple Crumble? Most Americans would call this dessert an Apple Crisp but I call it an Apple Crumble. I use many American words these days, however if I don’t have to use them in public I tend to stick with the Australian version. This is a dessert which I serve only to…
Warm Pineapple in Coconut Caramel Syrup
I’ve been eyeing off the pineapples in the shops for the past few weeks. I’ve had a recipe floating around my head, but I kept on putting it off. That’s when I noticed the pre-sliced pineapple at a reasonable price and decided I had no excuse not to make some Warm Pineapple in a Coconut…
Coconut Chocolate Squares with Chocolate Glaze
I have been living in America for 12 years now. By now you would think that I would have the use of American words mastered. But every now and then something pops up and I realize that I’m speaking Australian rather than American. I stumbled upon another word that I needed to…